9m 41sLenght

Today I am going to evaluate one of the methods I have promoted in the past on my channel. Worm castings are said to be a fertilizer, improve soil structure and add plant growth hormone and humid acid. 0:07 Reasons why I put garden practices, products and methods to the test 1:39 Do worm castings improve soil structure? 1:59 Are worm castings an organic fertilizer? 3:55 What is the pH of Vermicompost ? 4:51 Growth hormone and Humid Acid 6:00 Methods to make worm castings or vermicompost 6:22 How to make a simple worm bin 6:53 Making worm using mulch 7:54 What is the best way to apply worm castings in the garden? 9:02 Summary and findings Related Episodes: Build Amazingly Fertile Garden Soil Using Free and Local Resources: https://youtu.be/Jh3H2d_WFTE Testing Garden Assumptions Playlist: Putting Practices Products and Methods to the Test: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5mfR-r4BXH3UTGH_3UAG6cB8NnlO8M1U References [1] Vermicomposting: Recycling Wastes into Valuable Organic Fertilizer http://oar.icrisat.org/3677/1/172-2004.pdf [2] Essential Elements for Plant Growth http://soils.wisc.edu/facstaff/barak/soilscience326/listofel.htm [3] Optimal pH range for garden plants http://pss.uvm.edu/ppp/pubs/oh34.htm [4] Neutralization of kitchen scraps through vermicompost http://tropecol.com/pdf/open/PDF_41_1/kp41117.pdf [5] Fertilizer potential over time of vermicompost using a variety of species http://www.hindawi.com/journals/aess/2010/967526/abs/ [6] Effects of humic acids from Vermicompost on Plant Growth http://www.biosci.ohio-state.edu/~soilecol/Full%20articles/2006/Effects%20of%20humic%20acids.pdf [7] What is Humic Acid https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humic_acid Check us out on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlbertaUrbanGarden/