8m 40sLenght

Enjoy my cycle tour videos and want to contribute to see more? Make a donation :) - http://bit.ly/DonateToDman Team Green http://www.officialteamgreen.com Garmin http://www.garmin.com Strava http://www.strava.com/athletes/1643360 I am cycling through Southeast Asia plant-based and vegan. I am touring to inspire and motivate you to make more conscious, compassionate and courageous choices. I hope to see my viewers take more risks, live more authentically and have a kick ass time with life! I'll be talking about how to create a badass lifestyle, simple life hacks to reprogram your mind to more abundance and the power of eating a high carb vegan diet. Thanks so much for watching and if you enjoy my videos, share, like, subscribe and leave comments. Cheers Dman :) UNREAL LIVING - ADVENTURE LIFESTYLE ADVICE http://bit.ly/SubscribeUnRealLiving UNREAL HEALTH - HIGH CARB HIGH RAW VEGAN LIFESTYLE http://bit.ly/SubscribeUnRealHealth MY WEBSITE http://www.UnRealLiving.com MY FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/derek.howlett MY EMAIL veganhowler@gmail.com tags: asian cycle challenge, derek howlett, dman, unreal living, cycle touring, bike touring, bicycle touring, bike tour, cycle tour, southeast asia, bicycle, vegan, powered by plants, durianrider, veganism, vegan cyclist, vegan cycle tour, how to travel as a vegan, cycling, thailand, 7-11, raw vegan, chiang mai, wat tam wua, mae hong son, thailand