5m 32sLenght

So after I returned from vacation - I decided it was time to harvest the BLACK GOLD! The worms did an amazing job breaking down all that material and turning it into rich compost. I now am working with all three trays. Worm Bin set up from bottom to top... 1) Collector tray: Open spout w/ milk jug beneath to collect the worm tea and prevent the sludge from happening. 2) Active Bin - it houses the worms and has all the good stuff for the worms to eat. Its a pretty full bin. I will not need to check on this for a several weeks. 3) Less active Bin - this was my original active bin. There's about 1/4 of the bin that still needs breaking down from the worms. I pushed all that matter to one side and I using the other side to put down more food and an egg carton (they love paper egg cartons!) 4) Top Bin - this is where the Black Gold is. To get the worms out of there, I simply lifted the lid and allowed the sunlight to come in - they moved down to the bin beneath since they don't care for the light. I'm waiting for the weather to cool down so I can start planting my winter crops!!! Meanwhile, the baby worms still left in this bin can grow a little bigger. : ) Tips: - Place your worm farm in the garage. You want shade for the worms - it got up to 110 and the worms were fine because they were in a shady area. Additionally, you will get other insects in the worm farm like gnats and other creepy crawlers...so keep that in mind if you are going to put your worm farm in your house. - When I first started off - I took an old dish towel and put it ontop of the food bin. This helped keep the moisture level at a good point. When I lift the lid - I like to see beads of moisture build up - a good sign! If not, take a spray bottle filled with water and give your bin some water. Since then, the worms have eaten the dish towel!!! LOL! - If its too wet... you need to dry it out. Just add shredded newspaper and or leaves, cardboard on top. Its all about balance. A balanced environment will get faster decompsing, better worm food, fatter worms and baby worms! I hope you liked this video and found it helpful. Good luck with your worm farm! I'm so glad I decided to start mine. : )