5m 16sLenght

Day 5 of The Chinese Tea Company's Tea Tour 2013. On this leg of the tour we visited Longjing Village, Huangzhou, China. Longjing village is famous for Dragon Well (Longjing) Green Tea and for the ultimate Green Tea experience you have to visit Longjing Village. As you can see form our video(s) - we have very special relationships with all of our tea farmers and Yixing Tea Pot Masters and as such, visitors on our tours are guaranteed to enjoy a very unique and intimate time in the various tea plantations and Villages we visit - we have access to and the ability to do and see things that most other tours simply cannot provide. While in Longjing Village, along with enjoying the very beautiful scenery, we were also treated to a very nice traditional home made meal prepared by our friend the tea farmer's wife. We then tested numerous different Green Teas the this tea farmer produces and met local tea buyers who showed us hoe they taste tea they want to buy. After a spot of lunch and tea drinking we were taken out into the farmer's tea plantation to pick tea - we spent a few hours there on the beautiful mountains, breathing in fresh air and listening to the sounds of nature while picking tea (its so relaxing - almost like a from of meditation) - once we had our tea quota we went back down the the village to watch some of the tea processing methods. We enjoyed some more Green Tea and then purchased some amazing and fresh Longjing tea to take back home with us - most of the tea we bought doesn't even leave the village - it is kept for the Farmers themselves and their friends (such is the quality). On our way out of the Village we met another farmer who was kind enough to show us tea roasting techniques. Please check out our other videos that show the rest of the tour. If you are interested in coming on the Chinese Tea Company's 2014 Tea Tour, please get in touch with us, or visit our website for more information. Places are limited. www.the-chinese-tea-company.com Music: Massive Attack - Angel