28m 43sLenght

The Bean and Grain Project is exploring bean, grain, and edible seed varieties which can be added to those already grown in Oregon's Willamette Valley. Oregon Tilth co-founder and farmer Harry MacCormack shares wisdom and stories about farms transitioning from chemical to organic farming. His book "The Transition Document: Toward a Biologically Resilient Agriculture" is a compendium of organic practices, like using compost tea to feed soil micro-organisms. Dan Armstrong, the author of the novel "Prairie Fire", notes that the project aims to increase the diversity of staple crops and add resilience to the regional food system. Episode 248. [sunbowfarm.org, mudcitypress.com, tilth.org]. Peak Moment TV exists because of viewers like you. Subscribe to news and donate at http://www.peakmoment.tv, right side. Thanks for being in the Peak Moment community. Visit Peak Moment on: BlipTV: http://blip.tv/peak-moment-tv#EpisodeArchive Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Peak-Moment-TV/113511867700 Janaia on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/janaia.donaldson Twitter: https://twitter.com/PeakMomentTV (handle: @peakmomenttv) iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/peak-moment-tv/id413896747