4m 52sLenght

Shaggy is a 9 year old quarter horse/paint cross. He's 15.2 hh. He's a great horse for anyone. He's a big, stout, ranch horse. This horse is bomb proof, and does everything. He's gentle and quiet, and great for anyone from a beginner child to an experienced cowboy. We use him to pony other horses, or whatever work needs done. He's great on trails, and goes anywhere. Whatever the task, Shaggy puts his head down and does his job. Shaggy is for sale at Council Farms in Cordele, Ga. You can view more pictures and video of this horse and others at www.CompleteEquine.com. We accept VISA, MasterCard, and Discover; and we offer a guarantee on our horses. Please contact for price. See http://www.equinenow.com/horse-ad-156744