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Japan’s global ambitions for offshore floating wind power technology. A number of projects are under way around Japan’s coast to develop offshore wind power. Some wind power platforms are located near the coastline in shallow waters and are bottom-mounted. This type of platform has a long been used in Europe. Floating wind turbines, on the other hand, can be positioned in deeper waters. Japan has developed an advanced form of this platform that it expects will create demand in the rest of the world. We report on this development from one of the largest offshore floating wind power facilities, which was completed late last year off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture. (Published Online First: May 30, 2014) Cast: Takeshi Ishihara(Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo) Toshiyuki Takada(Department Manager, Wind Turbine Business Department, Power Systems Company, Hitachi, Ltd.) Kazutaka Yokoyama(Manager, Electrical Systems Engineering Department, Power Systems Company, Hitachi, Ltd.) JST Science News 2014(EnglishVer.) http://sciencechannel.jst.go.jp/Q140001/detail/Q140001002.html http://sciencechannel.jst.go.jp/Q140001/ JST Science News 2014(JapaneseVer.) http://sciencechannel.jst.go.jp/M140001/detail/M140001002.html http://sciencechannel.jst.go.jp/M140001/ JST Science Channel(Non-Japanese Programs) http://sciencechannel.jst.go.jp/non_japanese.html (c)Japan Science and Technology Agency