3m 23sLenght

Name-Durgaram Das, a villager from Pakurdigra,Falta block, this one is his own land.West Bengal has shown two different variety,one is HYV named 'Supar Shamoli' another a local but better in quality than others( fine grains) called 'Dudheswar'. Out one 33 decimal paddy field only 26.4 decimal has given crops,because of heavy shower and stagnation of water. 8 kg of 'Dudheswar' variety seed he brought at price 42Rs per Kg i,e 336 Rs and the area under 'Super Shyamoli' was drowned. he made seedbed by his own with the help of other family members. sowing also by him, other family members and hired daily labour. it took 12 labour days only for sowing i,e 150 Rs per head=1800 Rs. then spraying of fertilizers-he used DAP (Diammonium Phosphate, It is the most popular phosphatic fertiliser because of its high analysis and good physical properties. The composition of pure salt of DAP is N-21.19% and P2O5 -53.76%. Fertiliser grade DAP is 18:46:0.),which he used 12 kg price was 360 Rs. for clearing of weed 4Daily labour used at the cost of 580 Rs. And for ploughing 590 Rs. and as u see he is cutting the paddy himself. and will carry to there house with the help o family member and a few hired labour. And he expect that 480 kg of rice will yield. market price of which is 8000 Rs. So only profit is- 8000-3666=4334 Rs.