14m 31sLenght

In October 2012, organicslant.com purchased Matcha stone ground green tea powder in a store in the burbs of Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A. The test was done on 10-5-2012. Three ten-minute tests were done on background radiation, and three ten-minute tests were done on the Matcha green tea powder. Wonder if the Radiation Alert Inspector is picking up either radioactive Iodine or Cesium in the powder. Are the isotopes being picked up from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plants in Japan. Seeing that cesium was detected on leaves in 2011, could contamination have made it's way onto the tea leaves and weren't detected. Their are thousands of tea farms that were effected by the fallout of the meltdowns. The numbers point to the fact that the Matcha powder may contain man-made isotopes like Cesium or Iodine. We maybe unknowingly ingesting radiation to receive the health benefits from this plant.