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For years, the matter of balancing Pakistan's supply against the demand for electricity has remained a largely unresolved matter. Pakistan faces a significant challenge in revamping its network responsible for the supply of electricity. Pakistan's electricity producers are now seeking a parity in returns for both domestic and foreign investors which indicates it to be one of the key unresolved issues in overseeing a surge in electricity generation when the country faces growing shortages. And same is the situation with other energy resources in Pakistan such as petroleum, natural gas, coal etc .... Energy experts in Washington believe - the only solution to Pakistan's current energy problems is to make long term plans and to save it's natural resources. Aram Zamgochian is an energy expert at Nexant. He says that Pakistan is currently facing a shortfall of 6000 Mega Watts, and despite of all those debates about what led to this shortfall in Pakistan - Pakistan needs to rethink about it's energy strategies and would have to make it work under current circumstances. According to him Pakistani government will not be able to invest large amount of money in the energy sector so they'll have to invite the private investors