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Free video about Green Iguana. This free video was created for you by http://epsos.de and can be used for free under the creative commons license with the attribution of epSos.de as the original author of this Green Iguana video. Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !! This is a great species of lizards tree and herbivores of the genus Iguana native to South America and Central. Adults are about 1.5 m from head to tail, and some specimens can reach 2 m and weighing 5 kg, making it the largest iguanas. It takes different colors depending on its region of origin, its color can be various shades of green, but also be pink, blue or orange. It is also characterized by visible black rings on its tail and crest of spines. Green Iguana spends most of its time in trees, feeding on foliage. It is a territorial animal that is aggressive toward other males, especially during breeding. The Green Iguana is not a completely uniform color. There is generally yellow and black rings on the tail, blackish horizontal stripes on the belly and flanks and brightly colored stripes on the shoulders. Like most reptiles, the Green Iguana is an animal poikilothermic, that is to say, his body temperature is not constant but depends on its environment. To stay in their optimal temperature range of between 29 and 39 ° C, the Green Iguana uses his pineal eye. It can vary the color of his skin darkening to better capture the sun's heat when it gets too cold, or otherwise becomes lighter when it gets too hot. It can also affect heart rate, slowing it down when it's hot. The head of the male dominated turns dark green while that of her attacker is white, and in a few minutes. The dominant ends up biting his opponent in the back or neck before leaving; the male dominated then fled to another country. Furthermore, green iguanas adults sometimes eat eggs of birds in the wild. Some zoologists, as Adam Britton, believe that a diet including animal protein is not good for the digestive system of the Iguana and could lead to health problems in the long term, particularly in the kidney and premature pee. But the Green Iguana is also actively defend themselves. Faced with a threat, he inflates his neck bristling ridge crest, breath and shakes her dewlap to impress his opponent. He can then go on the attack, throwing himself on his opponent to bite, snapping its long tail like a whip. In South America there are farms which breed green iguanas in captivity. This breeding is primarily intended to supply the pet trade is lucrative enough, but some farms also aim to release animals into the wild and thus halt the fall in numbers. In Costa Rica, a backup program encourages local farmers to raise iguanas to diversify. The Mayans sometimes represented their god Itzamná, important deity god of Heaven Night and Day, as an iguana. Green Iguana has given its name to a wide variety of institutions in its range. Thus, there is a "surf camp of the Green Iguana" in Costa Rica, the "Hotel of the Green Iguana" at St. Thomas, whose mascot is Igor, a giant green iguana, or a string grills and bars named "Green Iguana" in Tampa and surrounding areas in Florida. Green Iguana was represented on a stamp from Portugal in 2001. In bright light green iguana has a great vision with which recognizes objects and movement at a great distance. But after dark vision lizard noticeably worse - witness the very small number of rod-shaped cells in the retina responsible for the ability to see in low light. The teeth of a lizard very sharp, wide and flat in the form of sheet, with small teeth on the edges. In the wild, iguanas easily crack the green foliage, and may, if necessary and painful bite, including humans. Predominantly herbivore, green iguana experiencing some problems in osmoregulation, or maintaining a constant osmotic pressure. Plant tissue contains large amounts of potassium, however, a relatively small percentage of nutrients in order to maintain the necessary metabolic lizard requires a large amount of food. Animals are not able to chew, they just cut off fairly large chunks of their small teeth and just swallow them whole. Occasional iguana drink water, submerging part of the head in the body of water and swallowing it, or lick the drops with green. Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !!