5m 56sLenght

Video 3, on what gets a scientist out of bed. Iron deficiency affects about 2 billion people worldwide with often devastating health consequences. University of Melbourne researchers are developing a genetically modified rice that is high in iron to help contribute to the ongoing efforts to reduce this problem. It is being coordinated by Harvest Plus http://www.harvestplus.org/ So what motivates these two scientists to get out of bed and pursue this research? How much of a difference can they make, if the rice makes it to the paddock? What other issues need to be considered. See TechNyou blogs for further commentary http://technyou.edu.au/2011/09/gm-iron-rich-rice-will-it-suffer-the-same-fate-as-golden-rice/ And Uni Melbourne has a podcast interview with Dr Alex Johnson covering this topic http://upclose.unimelb.edu.au/episode/238-rice-futures-biofortifying-food-crops-better-nutrition