Dawn to Dusk with Kansas Farm Family: America's Heartland
Spend sun up to sundown with a hard-working Kansas farm family. The Brunkow family raises cattle and farms corn, soybeans and other crops on their property just outside of Westmoreland, Kansas. Please visit our website at http://americasheartland.org/
I hope to try it but this seems boring-I would love all of the hard work possible after working indoors all my life.
What city of America is Kansas farm?
Sorry, but these people are hobby farmers. No hard working, 'round the clock farmer is that overweight.
no disrespect, I'm a full fan of the USA - but can't help noticing how many of the kids, and adults, are significantly overweight.. you guys can't be doing too badly eh..
هذه المزارع لا خلي
"While much of Kansas is still sleeping..." I'm pretty sure much of kansas is up way before 6 AM... Most farmers I know are up at 4 am.
This would be my dream life. I need to leave the city.
i love farming an will like to know if you all sponsor people to work on your farm i am willing to pay my immigration fees /airefare to come an work let me know ok
Excellent! It would be great for all if we got rid of the giant corporate farms and went back to small family farms that are diversified. They may not be doing things the way I would do it, but it's their choice and God bless them! Big Brother and the UN are very much against this type of life so it's endangered.
this is a hobby not a real farm the farm next to me milks 480 head and the family works in shifts around the clock, milking 3 times a day that's a farm. from the looks of this family they could eat every animal on the farm faster than they can grow them.
great film. great faith. God will bring the rains. perservere!
Farmers today are starting to look like the livestock they feed.
That guys fence is terrible no pride....
They just wake up early and feed animals lol
I understand the hard work...but, my grandfather was a SD cattle rancher and I doubt he slept until 6AM a day in his life.
they need to watch their diet... all of them are going to get diabetes and high blood pressure
because these are farmer wanna-be's. visit the ranch i live on and ranches i work on, and you will see what hard work is on an easy day. we commonly start at 4 am and don't get in till 9 pm on easy days. just a few months ago we were out untill 3 am chasing down a lost herd of cattle on 23,000 acres!
If they are so hard working, why are they all so fat? ;-)
Please make more of these "Dawn to Dusk" series, it's so comforting.
26m 47sLenght