9m 20sLenght

http://www.CoffeePartyUSA.com This video documents a meeting between Coffee Party leaders and students at Wesleyan University on Feb. 26, 2011. The meeting led to the incredibly successful "I have sex" video, which has been seen more than 300,000 times. More info: http://www.coffeepartyusa.com/wes-uncut-movement-expands This meeting took place the day after the publishing of an essay called The Tipping Point on the Coffee Party website: http://www.coffeepartyusa.com/tipping-point-2011 In some ways it is a video essay version of the same. The Tipping Point by Annabel Park & Eric Byler Years from now, we will think of February 2011 as the tipping point in America's great awakening. After all the warnings and wake-up calls, this be will remembered as the time when the American people decided to come together, confront the plutocracy that plagues our republic, and do something to change the economic inequality / instability that has grown from it. There is a tide. If you don't yet feel it, here are Ten Wake Up Calls that we predict will help define February 2011 in America. The more people who get involved, the more meaningful it will be. So, please share this page with others who may still need a reason to wake up and stand up. http://www.coffeepartyusa.com/tipping-point-2011 Tax Week, April 9 to 18, 2011. As April 15, 2011 nears, the American people are on the verge of watershed accomplishment. Imagine if the national narrative about Tax Day 2011 were based on accurate information, and a need for real change, instead of the misinformed and misdirected anger from a year ago? This is within our reach. And our medium term goal should be seize the opportunity. Rather than "we're broke" and "we don't like paying taxes," what if the spirit of Tax Day 2011 said this: We see the whole truth. We understand the link between budget deficits, tax cuts for the wealthiest 1%, and corporate welfare. We understand that we are broke by design because the taxes that are owed to this nation are paid by everyone except those who benefit most from doing business here. We are not going to allow the corruption of our government to continue without challenge. We demand nothing less than a fundamental change to our power structure. Once people see the whole truth, that change will be inevitable. Cut entitlement programs? We agree! Let's cut corporate entitlement programs: cut corporate tax loopholes, tax havens, tax breaks, and subsidies. During the week of April 10 through April 17, the Coffee Party will help to organize nationally-coordinated actions to demand change. We'd love for you to help us devise the plan. CLICK HERE to get involved, and/or contact us at Taxpayers@CoffeePartyUSA.com if you're interested. And if you found this summary helpful, go to the top of this page to spread the word with the click of a button.