54m 15sLenght

Can you make money selling eggs? That is the question we try to answer in this Podcast Episode of Homesteady. In this episode Aust and Accountant Mike revisit the subject of Farm Fresh Eggs.... Raising chickens on your homestead can't save you money, but can it earn you some? Find out! This Episode was brought to you by our Partner www.growjourney.com. Do egg-laying chickens save a homesteader money? Accountant Mike said, “Not worth it!” in this previous episode. But what if you sell the eggs produced by your flock? Does that income equal the time, money, and energy from raising chickens? We interview John from The Growing Farms Podcast to find out on this episode of Homesteady. Want more chicken tips? Dr. Michael Darre from the University of Connecticut, chicken specialist, may home some answers for you. Want to learn more about farms and finance? The Farm Finance Project gives you an insider view on the workings of 12 small-scale farms. John’s extended interview giving his own chicken tips is available in the Pioneer Library. Pioneers also have access to an audio chicken raising class in the Pioneer Library. Join now! Want to start a Homestead Business? Our Homestead Business Class is coming to help you do that! Sign up here: http://squashhollowfarm.us8.list-manage2.com/subscribe?u=7c43a490f1685c9525448f359&id=04525dc114