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STORYLINE: This is Nero. And this is Nero's best friend Naveen P.R. For Naveen P.R Nero is far more than a pet, he's a way of life. Naveen's day starts with Nero's walks and exercises, it's a lifestyle that helps him de-stress and rejuvenate. A morning ritual for the pair includes considerable time grooming Nero with an indulgent array of sprays, soaps and shampoos. Both Nero and his owner view them as daily essentials. Naveen wouldn't start the day without a wash and brush up and now, neither does Nero. But wasn't always as simple as it is today. That's because dog owners were unusual and products to pamper them were unheard of. Just getting this brush and soap would have entailed a long expedition to a faraway dog shows, or exhibition and they would have cost a huge amount of money. Now the popularity of pets like Nero mean local entrepreneurs are keen to cash in. Cheeran's is the first of its kind supermarket for pets in the state of Kerala and thanks to its opening owners like Naveen don't have to trek miles to get a chew for your chihuahua, or a lead for your labrador. The supermarket was set up by Anoj J.Cheeran four years back and he now enjoys a wide reputation and clientele. Cheenan's does its best to stock every kind of pet products from food items to medicines and vaccines, furnishings include comfortable mattresses and kennels. Cosmetics and accessories are just as important. Toothbrushes, soaps, shampoos, fur conditioners sit alongside the latest in doggie shoes and coats. The elaborate range of products now caters for all kinds of pets, dogs or cats, fish, or birds. Eighty per cent of what's on sale here still has to be imported. Cheeran says dogs are no longer just used as guards for property, they have evolved into companions. The variety of products and brand consciousness among the customers has risen with the general awareness about animal health. Often, people come to the store and place orders for specific products. Cheeran's is now so popular, it's drawing in customers from other metropolitan cities. Priya Raghavan from Mumbai says she never misses an opportunity to shop at Cheeran's whenever she is visiting Thrissur. The store with is tantalising treats continues to attract new clientele and this family of young pugs are sure to make a trip soon. keyword animals wacky You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/312e65a0a3670bd0b03dfc48ea75b447 Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork