8m 15sLenght

Every country has those things that are totally illegal, but everyone seems to do anyways. So does Japan. どこの国でも禁止されてはいるけど、みんな守ってない事ってあるよね。もちろん日本でも! If you have any other "things that are illegal in Japan, but people do anyways" thoughts, please let us know! (also, is there anything funny that's illegal in your home country, but still seems to happen all the time?) 他に思いつく事があったら教えてね~!何か面白い事あったら最高! One-time donation (to support the creation of videos): http://howibecametexan.com/donate/ Monthly support via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TexaninTokyo Buy my comic books: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TexaninTokyo My comics (on Amazon): http://goo.gl/5SzZCr My comics (on my blog): http://howibecametexan.com/latest_blog_posts/ 漫画 (日本語ver): http://gaijinwifegaijinlife.hatenablog.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My blog: http://howibecametexan.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TexaninTokyo Twitter: https://twitter.com/texan_in_tokyo