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From big deep fried grasshoppers, to people ENJOYING the taste of Tarantual meat, these are the 30 Most EDIBLE Insects & Spiders Palm Weevils -- The larvae of palm weevils is considered a staple food in many countries throughout the world … including China, Africa and South America. When cooked, entomophagists (en-toe-moph-o-jists) say the creature tastes like bacon … and is popular in the Malaysian dish, Sago (say-go) Delight. Scorpions -- Would you have the guts to chow down on this creature? Many varieties are often sold on sticks in China in local night markets … with the larger black ones commanding a price that might sting your wallet. They’re said to taste like shrimp with a nutty edge. Bees -- Honey bee drones are used in China as traditional medicine. But bee larvae is especially popular in many Asian countries, as well as Africa and the West indies. They said to have Golden Orb Spider -- In the US, they’re known as ‘banana spiders’ … and there are around 75 species spread around the world. They’re big enough to catch bats and eat them! They’re also said to be delicious… when fried, they taste a but like peanut butter. Crickets -- They’re popular around the world and might be the edible insect that is most commonly consumed. All varieties of the bug can be sauteed, boiled, or fried. When they’re roasted, crickets are said to taste like roast nuts. Did you know there are some 20,000 cricket farms registered in Thailand? Flies -- Did you know the pupae of the common house fly is as rich in fatty acids as some fish oils … and are said to taste not unlike ‘black pudding’? The larvae of black soldier flies is among those used to process organic food waste in insect oils, livestock feed and fertilizers. Wasps -- They’re most commonly eaten in China, Australia and the Congo. The taste is said to be buttery and earthy … And are said to go well when cooked with soy sauce and sugar, and served with boiled rice. Woodlice -- We’re stretching things a bit here … because these creature aren’t insects … they’re actually crustaceans! And they are sometimes called land shrimp. Similar to lobsters, they turn red when cooked. And according to our sources, these creatures do in fact taste like shrimp! Termites -- These insects are bursting with protein and have a full profile of essential amino acids. They’re especially popular in Africa and Southeast Asia, and are often harvested straight from the ground. Depending upon the species, they’ll either have a nutty taste or a minty one. Tarantulas -- These famous arachnids are considered a delicacy in Southeast Asia … and in some areas, they’re hunted and dug out of their holes. The spiders provide a much needed source of protein for people in poorer regions. Tarantulas are usually eaten whole and taste similar to soft-shell crab. Witchetty Grubs -- This is a snack favored by Australian Aborigines. They’re quite high in protein and fat content. As for their taste … it’s been described as scrambled eggs with nut flavoring, and mozzarella cheese wrapped in a dough pastry. Who’s hungry for some Witchetty Grubs? Rhinoceros Beetles -- Maybe you know that rhinoceros beetles have a fearsome appearance, and can grow in excess of 150 mm (6 inches). Not surprisingly, their larvae have an equally off putting appearance ... growing to about the size and thickness of an adult male’s thumb. They’re found throughout the world, and are said to contain more protein than chicken and beef! Some experts believe that could make them a potential source of protein to feed a growing human population. Cockroaches -- They wouldn’t find much agreement with the Western palate … But when the insects are fed a diet that consists only of fruit and salad, they’re considered healthy, and quite tasty … or so we are told. Just don’t eat the ones around your house. Did you know the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach actually tastes like greasy chicken? Giant Water Bugs -- They’re also known as toe-biters, and are favored in Asia, Africa and South America. They tend to be popular with tourists in Thailand due to their fearsome appearance. Some say they taste like potatoes flavored with clams … Others claim the insects have a salty, fruity taste. However, it’s said that Thai locals find them uncommonly tasty when the creatures are pregnant and bloated with creamy eggs! Grasshoppers -- Much like crickets, these insects are popular snacks around the world. There are thousands of species of grasshopper, and some are not edible. In Mexico, they’re often toasted on a clay stove, and combined with garlic, salt, lime and agave (ah-gah-vay) worm extract for a flavor that is said to tickle your tastebuds!. Subscribe to Epic Wildlife http://goo.gl/6rzs5u Let's Connect -- http://www.epicadamwildlife.com/ -- http://www.facebook.com/epicadamwildlife -- http://www.twitter.com/epicwildlife -- http://gplus.to/epicwildlife