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From deer penis wine to a drink made from cow urine for supposed health benefits these truly are the most bizarre beverages ever! Subscribe for weekly wacky videos and learn interesting facts about the world with awesome top 10 lists and other amazing videos. 9- Kimchi Soda – Have you ever been sitting around eating spiced pickled vegetables and thought to yourself, “Gee, if only this were in liquid form?” No? Us either. But it exists anyway. Kimchi is a traditional Korean side dish that is composed of seasoned fermented vegetables. One company decided turning it into a soda would be a great idea – and so Kimchi Soda was born. Some other flavors the company offers – wasabi, teriyaki, bubble gum, blueberry and banana. 8- Bilk – Milk plus beer equals Bilk. A brewery in Japan, recently released a low-malt beer using milk. The idea came from the son of a liquor store owner who is in the dairy farm industry. After having a problem of discarding milk, he proposed the local brewery to produce the milk beer. After they added beer yeast and hops and began the fermentation process, the beverage looked and smelled like tea with milk. However, when fermentation was finished and the drink cooled, it had the same color as beer. 7- Bird’s Nest Drink – A swiftlet is a small bird who makes its nest with solidified saliva. The hardened saliva is used to make a drink called Bird’s Nest Drink and is produced and manufactured in China. The drink is so natural, you may find tiny pieces of the actual nest floating around in the drink. The benefits of drinking something that sounds so – interesting – is it supposedly increases your immune system and makes the skin look younger. 6- Placenta-1000 and Placenta Pro – A lot of moms opt to save the placenta when their baby is born to eat or grind up into pills. The benefits are supposed to be plentiful and help with hormones and postpartum depression. Now, imagine a woman who has not just had a baby, drinking a beverage that has pig placenta in it, to ward off wrinkles and signs of aging. That’s what a lot of women are doing by drinking a drink called Placenta Pro and Placenta 10000.The Placenta 10000 is made out of the placenta extract of pigs, while the Placenta Pro is produced from the placenta extract of horses. 5- Deer Penis Wine – The Chinese consider this wine to be the end all in medical remedy. The healing power is so potent it was banned from the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The benefits thought to be contained in animal penises is something known as herbal ephedrine, which enhances an athletes performance. The wine is also said to enhance a man’s sexual drive since it’s also supposed to increase the blood flow around the body. 4- Cow Water – Cow Water, or cow urine, is a urine based soft drink to make the beverage more appealing to the masses. The drink is considered a healthier alternative to Coca-Cola or Pepsi. In countries like India and Italy, cow urine is believed to cure various diseases. Although, this is the belief among many who raise a glass to cow pee, scientists aren’t convinced. In fact, a doctor from the Mayo Clinic has said he sees no data that cow’s urine holds any promise in treating or preventing cancer. 3- Panda Dung Tea – Wondering if we could top cow urine on the grossness scale? Well, wonder no more. It’s Panda Dung Tea! Going by the more appealing name “Panda Ecological Tea,” this drink is a type of tea that is fertilized by the dung of pandas. The mastermind behind Panda Tea says that it’s healthier because pandas only consume wild bamboo and absorb about 30 % of the nutrients. He also says it encourages recycling and using organic fertilizers. The real kicker, this tea costs around $200 a cup! 2- Peruvian Frog Juice – Many locals in Peru believe the health benefit to drinking frog juice is so great, they have no reservations about beating the frog to death, skinning it and putting the entire frog in a blender. A lot of sellers of the juice will also add some extras to the disgusting smoothie, like carrots, honey or apples. Just a few of the ailments claimed to be eased by drinking Frog Juice is anemia, bronchitis, fatigue, and stress. The biggest downside to this weird concoction, the juice requires the use of critically endangered frogs and doctors have said there’s no evidence of the Frog Juice having any health benefits. 1- Rainbow Beer – Leave it to Japan to make boring old beer colorful and different. There’s a brewery in Japan called Abashiri that is known for its colorful array of beer. This concept comes from the four different seasons in Hokkaido, which is the northernmost island in Japan. The green and blue beers are colored using seaweed, the red beer coloring comes from the hamanasu, or the shore pear fruit, and the purple beer is made by using purple tomatoes.